vrijdag 26 maart 2021


Long time no post! We've been going to Maarn on a regular basis and still enjoy it so much. Sometimes friends stay in the house. In the meantime, Trevor has died and now Eddie loves exploring the woods.

During the Covid crisis the house provided a much needed escape from working at home and being severely limited in our options to enjoy our free time.

vrijdag 19 september 2014


This Summer, we painted the ceiling in the living room, followed by the bedroom.

vrijdag 16 mei 2014


In memory of my father, we put up a picture of him in Maarn in 1959, and one taken in the woods somewhere in Holland in 1973.

zondag 6 oktober 2013

Autumn weekend

During a beautiful autumn weekend, I varnished the outside bench, we drank champagne to celebrate new garden chairs, and I painted the floor of the bicycle shed, having cleared it out before.

 Bicycle shed before:
 Bicycle shed  after:

There were some amazing mushrooms in the garden.

zondag 16 juni 2013

First month in Maarn

By now we have spent 5 weekends in our new house. Apart from enjoying it and the surroundings, we have also thrown away heaps of old stuff and improved and cleaned. We are still waiting for the new sofas.
Arrival first weekend
Mark cleaning the guest room
Mark in the kitchen
Master bedroom
Living room and master bedroom
Living room
Living room
Arno pays a visit
Gardeners Mark and Arno
Mark and his new rubber boots!

Nearby dogs-off-the-leash-are-allowed area Koeveld

A new rug bought in Zeist

New old lamps from 't Spiker in Warnsveld, where Bart lived 1976-1981
Pantry all clean
Pine cones and rhododendron


Some really old cleaning products found in the pantry

woensdag 15 mei 2013


May 15th, 2013: a meeting with the director of the park to get vetted, a visit to the notary in Woudenberg and a trip to the house with the previous owner mr Hoogendoorn (hence the name of the house) and DONE! We are the owners of a piece of heaven. Unfortunately Mark had to go to work, so Trevor accompanied me.

maandag 29 april 2013

Second Visit Video

After the second visit, we made an offer, which was immediately accepted! Click on this link:
Second Visit - Viewing